
A recent study regarding nutrition suggests that overeating may not be the main cause of obesity. The research was carried out by 17 internationally prominent scientists in the field and was published on September 13 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The conclusion of the paper is backed by research that looks into the
About 90 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period, a gigantic dinosaur with ‘shark-like’ teeth prowled in present-day Uzbekistan, says a new study. The meat-eating dinosaur was 7.5-8 metres long and weighed 1,000 kg – which would make it a little longer than an African elephant and heavier than two fully grown water buffaloes. Researchers
A group of physicists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently achieved a feat that could pave the way for practical carbon-free power. The achievement was three years in the making . It is a result of intensive research and design work, project leaders say. For the first time, researchers built a large high-temperature superconducting
Last year, a large group of scientists had gathered for a two-day conference to discuss whether biotechnology could make people younger. The conference was organised at a mansion owned by Russian-Israeli billionaire Yuri Milner in Los Altos Hills, California, US. Experts took to the stage to explain and discuss radical attempts at “rejuvenating” animals. Eventually,
India’s Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft has completed more than 9,000 orbits around the Moon, and imaging and scientific instruments on board have been providing excellent data, officials said on Monday. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is holding a two-day Lunar Science Workshop 2021, which began on Monday, to commemorate the completion of two years of operation
It was only supposed to fly five times. Yet NASA’s helicopter on Mars, Ingenuity, has completed 12 flights and it isn’t ready to retire. Given its stunning and unexpected success, the US space agency has extended Ingenuity’s mission indefinitely. The tiny helicopter has become the regular travel companion of the rover Perseverance, whose core mission
The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said Wednesday it is investigating a deviation in the descent of the flight of the Virgin Galactic rocket plane that carried British billionaire Richard Branson to the edge of space on July 11. The New Yorker magazine earlier reported that the regulator was investigating an off-course descent. An FAA spokesman
With artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) making inroads into what were hitherto exclusive human domains — like writing and driving — it was only a matter of time that artists too began experimenting with it. Many exhibition centres and auction houses around the world have begun taking interest in art pieces created with